
Hey bread heads!

Look what happened to me.

Sourdough starter has a mind of its own

I TOLD YOU that the Flour Water Salt Yeast cookbook has you making a lot of levain. This was the leftover after making the bread! Obvi it wasn’t to the top when I put in the fridge.

Of course I had just cleaned the fridge the day before. But actually, that made it easier to clean up the mess.

Sourdough waffles were in order. Which, btw, I have improved upon. Here is the recipe I use, and I add two overripe bananas, some cinnamon, and some vanilla.

Now that I’ve made the waffles, I have a reasonable amount of starter for my next bread baking adventure.

Discard Waffles

So this happened yesterday morning.

I looked in the fridge to see how my proofing loaves were doing and I saw that my sourdough starter was about to overflow so I did the only responsible thing – make sourdough discard waffles.

It being Sunday and grocery day, I didn’t have any milk so I used water. Ew, I know but with all that starter plus some melted butter, I figured it wouldn’t be wanting for flavor. Also, my waffle iron was stored deep in the recesses of my pantry since I don’t make waffles often.

I’m not even going to give you the recipe because truth be told, they weren’t that great. I should have added fruit, or cinnamon or something. Still it was fun to have waffles for a change.

I have moved my waffle iron to someplace more accessible so I can work on improvements. After all, I always have tons of discard and feel bad throwing away (even if it is called discard).